Jesus, The Essenes And The Higher Walk With God As Initiates

Jesus, The Essenes And The Higher Walk With God As Initiates

last update on: 08/06/2024

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An Essene Community Come Again

Course Title
Jesus, the Essenes and the Higher Walk with God as Initiates
Class Session
One 3-hour class video
Jesus and Magda
David Christopher Lewis
$10 US. Discounts available for students living in other countries.
Course Description
Our understanding of how the Great White Brotherhood prepared for the mission of the Piscean Messiah, Beloved Jesus (Yeshua, Issa), through the Essene community at Qumran near the Dead Sea is important to provide context for our work now in preparing for the Age of Aquarius dawning. This class provides insights into the early life of Jesus with the Essenes and how his training as an initiate was seminal for his later life and mission.
Course #
Golden-Crystal Age, The New Age and Aquarian Living

MU 2020-01: Jesus, the Essenes and the Higher Walk with God as Initiates
Key concepts discussed:

  1. The path of initiation is the path of discipline, study and practicality.
  2. The importance of meditation, silence and Self-awareness.
  3. The Essene Way of Life.
  4. How Jesus was unique and was able to transcend even the Essene Way of Life in order to bring the light of divine love, forgiveness and compassion to our Earth.
  5. The Essene Gospel of Peace and Edmond Bordeaux Szekely’s books.
  6. Jesus and Magda—Masculine and Feminine Christic Wayshowers.
  7. What we may apply today of the Essene Way of Life to assist Saint Germain and Portia and Lord Maitreya in ushering in Aquarius.


Text Book

Jesus and the Essenes by Dolores Cannon
Students should read the book before the class.
Purchase book at the Hearts Center Store or on


Suggested Reading (optional):

Calling All Angels by Christine Chalenore
Purchase in our store


The Essene Gospel of Peace and other books by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
Purchase on Amazon


Call Sheet to Give During the Class
CS-68: The Essene Morning and Evening Communions and the Noon Peace Contemplations (Link to PDF)

View this video prior to the class
(1.5 hours in length):
My Soul Glorifies the Lord: Jesus' Female Disciples
Helen Bond and Joan Taylor (2018)


Two distinguished early church historians present research that shows as many as half of Jesus’ disciples were women. They say the evidence shows that women were integral to his mission and only if we see men and women working together do we see the whole story, revealing the early church as far more radical than we thought. And they will also explore what this means for us today. Can it teach us new things not only about women and men’s ministries and roles, but also about the radical, transformative way of Jesus?


Angels in the New Testament

Angelic Intercession in the New Testament (link to PDF document)


Additional 3-Minute Course Preview


What our students are saying:

  • This was the best class I've taken at MU. It was a great introduction to the Essenes and gave us all the information we require for further studies. -SM

  • I loved that Jesus explained that "Essene" was related to "essence." So the Essene Community and all mystery schools since time immemorial were created to help us achieve that divine essence--our true nature. -CW

  • Great opportunity to ask and receive answers for things not always accessible thru other spiritual groups. -VC

  • I enjoyed hearing about Jesus and the Essene community from all the different sources--the Dead Sea scrolls, Edgar Cayce, past life regressions, etc. And I enjoyed hearing about it from Jesus himself! -JG

  • We are the Essene community of old and currently. I had a feeling before the class that I and other friends had been in the Essene community around the time of Jesus. Now I know it for sure, especially after I saw how widespread this was over many years and in multiple places. -CA

  • The resurrection compared to quantum physics. -SW

  • A main takeaway from the class is how Jesus learned from teachers around the world to be able to do what he did in Palestine. He was extraordinary to begin with, yet he had to study and work hard at learning the ancient teachings also. Of course his great heart of love was the key. -LH


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Meru University is the education branch of The Hearts Center, a charitable spiritual community



Golden-Crystal Age, The New Age and Aquarian Living


10 USD