The World Economy and the Threefold Social Organization

The World Economy and the Threefold Social Organization

last update on: 08/12/2024

Course Preview

What Is the Process of the Individuation of Humanity?

Course Title
The World Economy and the Threefold Social Organization
Two  3-hour class videos
El Morya, Lord Lanto, Paul the Venetian, and Elohim Hercules
Ralph Raaths and David Christopher Lewis
$15 US. Discounts available for students living in other countries.
Course Description
Learn the value of equality of rights in political life, freedom in cultural life, and cooperation in economic life. Unlock the three keys to governing your personal economy now, even while the world is still operating under a system of global economic domination. Discover what the Labors of Hercules and the Prophet Moses have in common with your initiatic path. Learn how to balance your personal inner and outer ledger to access complete health, wealth, and Elohimic vitality and virya. 
Course #
Building Communities and Societies of Light


The World Economy and the Threefold Social Organization

Why is it that, from economies to governments to the societal order, the world today is reeling from financial debt, corruption, and oppression?  Why is it vital that we understand the tripartite equation of light involving the economies of the nations? And why would an Elohim like Hercules be willing to invest himself in this equation by sponsoring a Meru University course entitled The World Economy and the Threefold Social Organization?
The answers are stunning. They will empower us “to surf the coming waves of change, come what may within the planet itself.” So stated Hercules, commenting on the importance of this two-day course on January 12 and 13. This course contains keys essential to our mastery in every way. It will make clear the vital role we can play in transforming our current social order into Hercules’ vision of a new age of freedom and enlightenment.  
What is this threefold social organization? And what has caused the imbalance in our current societies? Enter Rudolph Steiner, the 20th century cultural philosopher, social reformer, architect and spiritual scientist. Steiner (1861-1925), attuned to higher worlds, foresaw the rise of the New World Order and understood ways to restore society to the synarchy of a divine order. 
Steiner’s reforms and restoration methods will be shared by course instructor Ralph Douwe Raaths. Ralph will explain what Steiner saw as opposing higher spiritual principles and show how there could be a return to balance in the affairs of mankind. Co-instructor David C. Lewis will elaborate on Hercules’ cosmic foresight, assisting us to know greater mastery over our individual finances as well as positively influencing the entire global economy. 
Learn the value of equality of rights in political life, freedom in cultural life, and cooperation in economic life. Unlock the three keys to governing your personal economy now, even while the world is still operating under a system of global economic domination. Discover what the Labors of Hercules and the Prophet Moses have in common with your initiatic path. Learn how to balance your personal inner and outer ledger to access complete health, wealth, and Elohimic vitality and virya. 
Be there for this landmark class on power, wisdom and love, as politics, education and economics, laying the foundation of our divine social order.

Recommended Reading

World Economy by Rudolph Steiner
These lectures provide a foundation for a completely new approach to the science of economics. Steiner does not give abstract theories but bases his ideas on the dynamics inherent in the phenomena themselves. A mobile, flexible quality of thinking is required to enter into this radically different approach to such things as capital, labor, and natural resources, and the qualitative differences between purchase, loan, and gift money. The direction Steiner indicated in these lectures is the inspiration for a number of banking and financial initiatives now active all over the world.
This book is out of print.  Read online here
Towards Social Renewal by Rudolph Steiner

This book was written in 1919, just after the first World War, and suggests solutions to the social, political and economic problems of those times. At the end of the book, Steiner writes, "... either people will accommodate their thinking to the requirements of reality, or they will have learned nothing from the calamity and will cause innumerable new ones to occur in the future."
History since then has proven these words to be prophetic. The "social question" has not been resolved, nor have steps been taken to initiate the healing process. We all too often look to the political state for the solutions to all social problems, be they of an economic, cultural or political nature. Steiner's concept of a tripartite, or threefold, society in which the economic, cultural and political spheres would enjoy relative autonomy within the social organism has not yet been tried. This book contains his basic ideas for the restructuring of society.
This book is out of print. Purchase online

3-Minute Course Preview


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Meru University is the education branch of The Hearts Center, a charitable spiritual community



Building Communities and Societies of Light


15 USD