Self-Governance: The Unique Idea of America

Self-Governance: The Unique Idea of America

last update on: 08/06/2024

Invitation Video

Self-Governance: The Unique Idea of America
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Lanello, Saint Germain and Godfre
Ken Mueller
One 90-minute class session
Free or recommended donation of $10.00
Course Description
In this 90-minute Meru University class, we examine the Christian and spiritual roots that lay at the foundation of the United States of America. There are constitutional principles embedded within our nation's founding documents that could only have been cognized by individuals who studied and understood Godly maxims and axioms revealed in Sacred Scripture. For American colonists that meant the Holy Bible. Our Hearts Centers activity is looking for creative ways to bring the ascended master teachings to our youth. As one of the authors of the primary text being used to teach this class has written:
"Knowledge of America's Christian History both restores our national memory and provides us with the purpose for which America was established".
We look at American history from a traditional, biblical worldview enhanced by the wisdom teachings of progressive revelation afforded us through the ascended masters. In so doing, perhaps we will gain insight into how faith-based religious ideas will transition into a more universal ecumenicism and understanding of the initiatic, solar sciences. We consider how God's hand has influenced human history (Providential History) in specific individuals through the centuries bringing us to the current moment—an inflection point, many believe, for the United States as well as the world.
Heartfriend Wisdom Series
Course #
MU 2023-02


Our students are saying:

  • I liked how Ken Mueller connected ascended master teachings on developing our inner-Self-Governance with how faith-based spiritual education develops children’s leadership skills.
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Meru University is the education branch of The Hearts Center, a charitable spiritual community



Heartfriend Wisdom Series