Being a Bodhisattva Today

Being a Bodhisattva Today

last update on: 06/28/2024

Invitation Video

Being a Bodhisattva Today: Where You Fit In (Ser un bodhisattva hoy: dónde encajas)
How to Access the Class Session
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3. The replay video is available in English and soon will be in Español.
4. To access the Course Video and Slides, click on the blue words "View Full Course in English HERE" or "Ver curso completo en español AQUÍ" in the gray box located on the left side or at the bottom of this page.
Raymond Ziemkowski
Replay video is availble in English and will be in Español soon
Free or recommended donation of $10.00
Course Description
If you came to this planet on a rescue mission with Sanat Kumara and the 144,000, you are a bodhisattva! And it is time for us to roll up our sleeves! In this class, Ray briefly reviews and recaps the epoch history of this rescue mission, right up to our current grand-slam opportunity to put evil (the energy-veil) back in the box for good and usher in a Great Golden Age of Aquarius.
Ray explores Michael Singer's latest book, Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament and dives into the physiology of our minds to discover how to maximize our life experience in the Now. We learn how to better access the witness seat and observer within at the center of our Christic and Buddhic Self.
Ray shares some information on Earth changes and end time prophesy that we must be prepared for individually and collectively as a Community. Drunvalo Melchizedek's book, Mayan Ouroboros: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle goes deep into both of the magnetic and physical Earth-axis change events and other solar phenomena. We consider these possibilities.
Ray shares a number of personal visionary experiences that have grounded him on his path. He states that he is optimistic and positive because God in you and God in him is awake! And we are quickened in the Love-fires of Aquarius.
Heartfriend Wisdom Series; The Self, Buddhic Healing, Awareness and Beingness
Course #
MU 2022-03

Our students are saying:

  • This is an essential class for everyone to take. Ray is an excellent teacher and speaker. He has covered a large number of teachings and great knowledge over a vast amount of historical time. His capacity to integrate knowledge from many sources and to show how they all connect and evolve from one another is really helpful in one's own spiritual journey. He is also inspiring and provokes us to consider all our assumptions in a new light.
  • Ray Ziemkowski articulately shares much research on the bodhisattva tradition, its several meanings, its importance in this hour of the culmination of several cycles of our returning negative karma. He helps us to see how the plans and purposes of our God have spanned millennia, even eons, and that we are such an important facet in planetary salvation.
  • Thank you for this thought-provoking class. I felt a sense of unity and a collaborative synergy that was very welcomed and I am grateful for hearing your presentation.
  • Ray's preparation was outstanding and his delivery superb.
  • Profound. Opened a number of new doorways of investigation for me to do. I desire to get those books he recommends now.
  • Thank you for putting this information together in an understandable and inspiring way!

Recommended Reading

Mayan Ouroboros: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle by Drunvalo Melchizedek
Click on the book cover to order the printed book from Amazon.


Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament by Michael Singer
Click on the book cover to order the printed book from Amazon.


Transylvanian Sunrise by Radu Cinamar
Click on the book cover to order the printed book from Amazon.