Feminine Aspects of the Five Dhyani Buddhas

Feminine Aspects of the Five Dhyani Buddhas

last update on: 08/05/2024

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The Psychological Wisdom of the Feminine Buddhas

Feminine Aspects of the Five Dhyani Buddhas


One 1½ hour class video
How to Access Class
1. Register by clicking on "Register" button above.
2. If you have been a Meru University student before, please login. Once you  have registered and paid the class fee, you will receive a confirmation email that you have successfully registered.
3. On the left side or at the bottom of this page, click on the blue words in the gray box for either the English or Spanish link to the course video.  
Padmasambavha and Avalokiteshvara
Jennifer Butler
English, Español 
Free or recommended donation of $10.00 US
Course Description
This class explores some of the information that exists about the feminine aspect of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, with a focus on their prajna or wisdom aspect, and how these manifest as  psychological types that we can discern and choose to engage with in our inner and outer lives. These psychological types are easy to recognize and have both adaptive and non-adaptive aspects. As we direct our attention to these types we have the opportunity to balance these features in the ongoing ascension process of our lives and thus liberate everything we encounter on our initiatic path, both of good and that which obstructs the good, into the enlightened qualities of our radiant Buddha nature. This class allows for a lighthearted exploration as we recognize these energies playing out in our own lives, towards our cosmic eternal balance and wholeness.
Course #
Heartfriend Wisdom Series

Purpose of the Course:

  • To explore the feminine nature of these Buddhas

Course content:

  •  Explore the prajna or wisdom aspect of the feminine aspect of the Five Dhyani Buddhas
  •  Five distinct psychological types that we can discern and choose to engage with in our inner and outer lives
  •  How to recognize these psychological energies playing out in our own lives
  •  How they can be applied to perfect our Buddha Nature and in our daily ongoing ascension process

Participants are encouraged to share during the class. 

Invitation Video

If you require assistance, please contact us at registrar@MeruUniversity.org or 530-239-0823.

  Meru University is the education branch of The Hearts Center, a charitable spiritual community



Heartfriend Wisdom Series