Inner Stillness

Inner Stillness

last update on: 08/06/2024

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Through Stillness We Access Presence

Course Title
Inner Stillness


Two 2.5-hour class videos
Himalaya and Kuthumi
Boyd Badten and David Christopher Lewis
$15 US. Discounts available for students living in other countries.
Course Description
In stillness there is a new aliveness whereby we can feel Presence. We have calmed all that interferes with Presence. We have, through grace, sublimated all desire to humanly think, to humanly emote, to humanly see, feel, hear, taste or understand. And as the human senses are stilled, the divine senses become heightened and powerfully active, resonating at such a high frequency that now we begin to understand with new eyes, new ears, new tasting sensations the divine nectars of the Spirit. We enter into a celestial and nirvanic plane where the saints and sages have penetrated the veil, seen the higher manifestations of light and begun to enter into a new form of love.
Course #
Foundational Spiritual Practices for Initiates

Meditation Practice—Now Is the Time!

It is very common that amid our hurried and distracted existence in this day and age it’s difficult for people to find time for or even to know where to start when it comes to meditation. There’s just so much to do! Yet we hear the call of the masters and spiritual teachers of the ages that explain the great benefits of silence, stillness and meditation, so we keep promising ourselves that we’ll begin a meditation practice—soon!
Now is the time! This webinar on inner stillness will be hands on and experiential, not long lectures or just theory. We will be practicing stillness in ways that you can take home, do by yourself and build upon to take you to the next level of your spirituality. And we will provide plenty of time for you to ask clarifying questions.

During our 2-session course, learn how to…   

  • First notice and then overcome your wandering monkey mind.
  • Become “The Observer” and disengage from your “Many Selves”.
  • Use tactile awareness to enhance your powers of concentration.
  • Enter into the Great Silence.
  • Grow every day in peace, happiness and being in the Now.
  • Emanate great light to the Earth to heal world pain.
  • Enter into your very own transfiguration.
Join Boyd Badten, David Christoper Lewis, Lord Himalaya and Kuthumi in this practical exploration of meditation for the Western mind.
Boyd BadtenBoyd Badten has studied the teachings of the ascended masters for 30 years and has practiced specialized yoga and meditation for 28 years. He has served since August of 2010 as the Hearts Center’s Director of Operations.In addition, he manages the IT and technical development and operations that knit The Hearts Center community together. He is a past president of the board of directors of The Hearts Center and has been either a volunteer or an employee of The Hearts Center since it began.

Boyd studied chemistry, math and physics at the University of Washington in Seattle for 6 years. He is an opera fan, music collector, and self-taught tenor and song writer. In his spare time, Boyd also enjoys fishing, backpacking and other outdoor activities with his wife and two children.

David Christopher Lewis is a gifted clairaudient, an Aquarian spiritual author, and talented musical composer. He is co-founder of The Hearts Center Community and Meru University. His mission is to share the ascended masters’ teachings and their practical, sometimes startling, progressive revelations for personal awakening and Self-Realization.

Born in the Chicago area, David was the sixth of ten children. At the age of 14, he embraced the concepts of karma and reincarnation after reading Edgar Cayce’s The Sleeping Prophet. He has studied the world’s major religions for four decades and lived and worked in an intentional spiritual community for 22 years. In the spring of 2004, David experienced a mystical awakening and began receiving regular telepathic communications from angels and enlightened spiritual beings, known as ascended masters.

David has now received and delivered more than 5,000 messages from angels, masters and divine beings. He calls these messages “HeartStreams”—progressive revelations for today on diverse topics, including divine science, advanced alchemy, cosmic solar awareness, the New Blue Wave, abundance and healing.

David’s publications include Light on the Path: Inspiration for Each Day of the Year (2017), Living a Soulful Life : Afra’s New Teaching On Love, Brotherhood, and Freedom (2015), Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy(2015), Advanced Studies of the Human Aura (2014); Now, Zen and Always (2008), a feast of spiritual wisdom, coined in succinct quips; Mother Mary’s Missions—Messages from the Divine Mother (2010), a compilation of teachings received during The Hearts Center’s eight-day whirlwind tour to the 21 California Catholic Missions; and a collection of more than 200 devotional prayers, songs and mantras. Sweet Heart of Jesus is David’s eleventh and newest music CD of inspirational new age songs.

In addition to teaching for Meru University online, David leads prayer vigils and seminars and hosts conferences in person and online. He also conducts annual pilgrimages to sacred sites worldwide. David lives with his wife Mona near Livingston, Montana.

3-Minute Course Preview





Foundational Spiritual Practices for Initiates


15 USD