Advanced Studies of the Human Aura Part 1

Advanced Studies of the Human Aura Part 1

last update on: 08/05/2024

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Do Your Spiritual Practices Clear, Beautify and Seal Your Aura?

Course Title
Advanced Studies of the Human Aura, Part 1
Five 1.5-hour class videos and one 1.5 class audio
El Morya
David Christopher Lewis, Joyce Genis, and Cheryl Bench
$30.00 US. Discounts available for students living in other countries.
Course Description
In this series of courses we learn more about the human aura and the divine aura of our Solar Presence so that when we accept its divinity and its radiance around us through this living, liquid crystal-diamond light energy, we are raised up fully into our reality, our highest being. El Morya  releases teachings on higher adeptship for the Aquarian Age vis-à-vis the aura. He speaks of new technologies of the Spirit that we can engage in as we draw forth the resource of our Presence and its light through our crystal cord to energize our chakras and to activate each spinning wheel of those chakras with a greater oil of sanctity and presence; of bringing to bear in our worlds and the worlds of our loved ones, our communities, our nations and the entire Earth a greater magnanimity of the Spirit because we are living in a new dimension of Presence.
Course #
The Human Aura and the Chakras


How can the human aura become the divine aura? 

Advanced Studies of the Human Aura Parts 1 and 2 give you access to higher secrets of the aura previously revealed only to initiates in the etheric Retreat of God’s Will over Darjeeling, India.  Advanced Studies 1 and 2 are filled with timely new revelations from the Master El Morya Kahn. These two courses provide 26 hours of interactive instruction and Masterful teaching.  El Morya unveils new technologies of the Spirit for the new era. He explains how you can refine and accelerate your aura within the crystal stream of light that is available to you through your Source. The teachings imparted by El Morya during these two courses resulted in the book by David Christopher Lewis Advanced Studies of the Human Aura: How to Charge Your Energy Field with Light and Spiritual Radiance.

Beloved El Morya works directly and personally with you at inner levels to develop and realize your highest potential. Each course provides keys and techniques to purify, strengthen and expand your aura. As you practice, you will feel the frequencies of celestial beings who also offer their attainment and gnosis to you as an aspiring adept.

Advanced Studies Parts 1 and 2 and the subsequent book provide long-awaited revelations that build on earlier teachings of Ascended Masters Kuthumi and Djwal Kul in The Human Aura by Summit University Press, 1991. Meru University instructors Cheryl Bench, Joyce Genis, and David Christopher Lewis deliver thirteen sessions of vital new teachings and engage your learning through videos, inspirational slides, and class discussions. 

On February 25, 2010, Beloved Kuthumi said about these courses, “This will be a profound delivery of light, for the master has prepared many cosmic concepts, visuals and revelatory principles for each student that will, when imbibed and assimilated, allow an aspect of cosmic consciousness and holy presence to abide within your aura.”

Join us as we sit at the feet of El Morya and learn more about our human aura and the divine aura of our Solar Presence!


Djwal Kul gave the following vision for this course on page 106 of the book, The Human Aura, published by Summit University Press:  “When we have concluded these studies and the souls of our chelas have become prototypes of the Christed One, then the Master El Morya will set forth his course on Advanced Studies of the Human Aura presently being given to certain initiates of the white fire attending classes in their finer bodies at the etheric Retreat of God’s Will in Darjeeling, India. As my own humble effort is toward the plane of the Christ, so that of the Lord of the First Ray will be toward the development of God Consciousness not only for the Aquarian Age but for all ages to come.”

On February 25, 2010, Kuthumi said the following about this course:
  • This will be a profound delivery of light, for the master has prepared many cosmic concepts, visuals and revelatory principles for each student that will, when imbibed and assimilated, allow an aspect of cosmic consciousness and holy presence to abide within your aura.

On February 26, 2010, Lanello had this to add:

  • I can tell you that if I had to choose one Meru University course to attend during this entire millennia, it would be this one where the master of the first ray will use this opportunity to multiply these new blue frequencies within the atmosphere, the aura of the Earth itself.
  • This is not just a revelatory teaching that will be delivered unto you; it is a cosmic activity of such divine splendor whereby the master, through that teaching, delivers the highest essence of his own Godhood into your very spiritual bloodstream and deep into the Earth.


Related Resource

Click on the book cover to order the book.

Prerequisite Reading  
Studies of the Human Aura and Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura, originally separate books, combined into The Human Aura by Kuthumi and Djwal Kul in 1991 by Summit University Press.

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Advanced Studies of the Human Aura: How to Charge Your Energy Field with Light and Spiritual Radiance by David Christopher Lewis

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CosMos: A Co-creator's Guide to the Whole World by Ervin Laszlo and Jude Currivan, 2008. Hay House, Inc.

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The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles and Belief by Gregg Braden, 2007. Hay House, Inc.

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Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age by Gregg Braden, 2009. Hay House, Inc.

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3-Minute Course Excerpt



The Human Aura and the Chakras


30 USD