Maitreya Buddha Speaks on Mu, Atlantis, and the New Earth

Maitreya Buddha Speaks on Mu, Atlantis, and the New Earth

last update on: 08/06/2024

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Maitreya and the Path of Initiation

Maitreya Buddha Speaks on Mu, Atlantis, and the New Earth
Two  2.5-hour class videos
Lord Maitreya
David Christopher Lewis
$15 US. Discounts available for students living in other countries.
Course Description
Walk the land of Lemuria (Mu) again, remember the cities of Atlantis, and learn new teachings on the path of initiation. Discover what tests the evolutions of Mu and Atlantis passed and failed, and how their actions affect us today—all with the purpose of reconciling our past. Yes, many of us were there! And Maitreya comes to assist us in knowing only victory through our personal initiations, and he comes to help civilization as a whole prepare the way for a New Earth.
Course #
Heart Centeredness, Heart Mindfulness, Heart-Soul Connection


The Guru of Adam and Eve

When Adam experienced the presence of divinity, with whom was he communing? When both Eve and Adam knew they had transgressed, from whom did they flee when he called to them? Why, it was Maitreya Buddha! When these archetypal twin flames inhabited the Garden of Eden, in a time long before Lemuria and the incarnation of the Fourth Root Race, it was Lord Maitreya who represented for them the highest understanding of God. 

Maitreya: The “Coming Buddha”

Maitreya is also the “Coming Buddha,” destined to reincarnate upon Earth during an approaching Golden-Crystal Age of Enlightenment. During our course, Maitreya will come with accelerated loving-kindness and as the Planetary Buddha in the guise of a cosmic gardener of divine radiance. He will share truth for today through darshan—answering our questions and also asking questions of us to elicit our Buddhic wisdom.

More Teaching from Maitreya. We will…

  • Study the deeper meaning of prayer 20.010 "Maitreya's Loving Kindness".
  • Learn how Maitreya rose to become our Planetary Buddha.
  • Understand the responsibilities of Lord Maitreya in his role as the Great Initiator and ways we can assist him in his work.
  • Review the work of the Great White Brotherhood during periods of epochal change.
  • Discover how to assist the Lords of the Flame in accelerating planetary transmutation.
  • Co-create a New Earth through a class meditation and our response to a special call-to-action.

Lemurians and Atlanteans of old, Maitreya asks these questions of his students today:

  • What will your final initiations be? (Meditate with Maitreya to discern the answer.)
  • How have you shown and how will you choose to model loving-kindness today?
  • Where do you desire to serve now?  Where do you desire to serve once ascended?
  • What would you request of the Planetary Buddha for 2015 and beyond?




Heart Centeredness, Heart Mindfulness, Heart-Soul Connection


15 USD